Banditry allows for a more fun approach to the world, however it shouldn’t be the main objective of a player.

It is best practice to record any of these activities if you are the aggressor, the side of the victim will always be taken incase of a misplay.

Here are some general guidelines,

  1. If you are asked to stop by a member of the staff, that is your only warning
  2. Do not target an individual person, or town, if you are found to be doing so, you will be asked to stop.
  3. Do not make banditry a daily habit, or even frequent, and try not to be nuisance about it.
  4. Roadside banditry is always the ideal form, since it doesn’t massively interrupt another players progress.
  5. Banditry does not allow for stealing from someone’s house. This is covered under raiding. Local laws may punish those who steal, but in general, if you are stealing from a town that isn’t yours, it will lead to a warning and possibly further consequences.


Raiding is something that can occur to cause tension, conflict, or just show who’s boss. Sometimes it’s necessary that for one village to survive, another must be ransacked.

  1. Do not raid excessively, at most once a week
  2. The purpose of a raid shouldn’t be to devastate another town
  3. You should never raid a town that is offline, doing so will result in a warning.
  4. Spawn killing is not allowed, doing so will result in a warning. Spawn killing is classified as waiting by somebodies bed to kill them as they respawn, you can wait outside of their house door if need be.
  5. The wealth you steal from a town shouldn’t exceed more than 10% of what you can see. If it is determined this has happened, a staff member will intervene.
  6. If you want to raid, their must be a minimum of two members of the victims town online, and you can at most have twice as many people raiding, as people defending the town. Things are meant to be fun, not annoying.
  7. You cannot break blocks during a raid.

Mutually Agreed War/Battle

  • If both parties agree, OOC, to enter a conflict and begin a combat in a scheduled confrontation, all previously described rules are subject to being reconsidered or outright ignored, only in the instance that both parties agree.

This also extends to imposing particular limitations, regulations, or rules not considered here, for as long as there is agreement between the two sides on how to proceed, they have contractual freedom to engage in fighting however they please.

  • The agreement must include a written statement from a simple majority of the relevant factions, where they agree to the terms and conditions.

This agreement must be written (or shared) in a public channel, and must include the statements.

During these Battles or wars, it is encouraged to invite people to help a side OOC if they are not already involved, that way the war can be more fun and engaging.